Illinois Sexual Harassment Training for Cosmetologists
Are you a Cosmetologist licensed by the State of Illinois IDFPR?
Is your license up for renewal or are you restoring an expired license?
Maybe you just got an email from the state regarding required sexual harassment prevention training?
You’re in the right place.
Not you? Please click here
Cosmetologists, Barbers, Hairdressers, Stylists, and Hair Braiders Licensed by the Illinois IDFPR and Due for License Renewal:
ALL Illinois workers need one hour of sexual harassment prevention training, every year. Chicago workers need Bystander Intervention Training as well!
We can help.
Illinois Required Training Solutions, a specialist online provider of sexual harassment prevention training, is approved by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) to offer sexual harassment prevention training courses and course bundles that meet all the requirements for the sexual harassment prevention training portion of Illinois State, Chicago City, and IDFPR professional license renewal qualifications.
We offer Illinois State as well as Chicago City- compliant training packages, and for those whose profession does not involve a Continuing Education requirement, we can offer these products without the unnecessary CE credential at a significant discount to save you money.
Illinois Sexual Harassment Training for Cosmetologists, Barbers, Hairdressers, and Hair Braiders
Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training - Cosmetologists Barbers Hairdressers and Hair Braiders - Illinois Recognized
Illinois Sexual Harassment Training for Cosmetologists
Illinois Required Sexual Harassment Training - Cosmetologists Barbers Hairdressers and Hair Braiders
Illinois Sexual Harassment Training for Cosmetologists- easy, cost-competitive online course from Illinois Required Training Solutions
1-Hour+ Sexual Harassment Training - IL Cosmetologists Barbers Hairdressers and Hair Braiders
Which course do I need, and how much does this sexual harassment prevention training cost?
Professionals outside the City of Chicago
Licensed Professionals Illinois non-Chicago
in professions without a CE requirement- Meets the Illinois one hour sexual harassment prevention training requirement (state minimum training requirement) for non-bar/restaurant workers.
- Appropriate and Approved for the professions as indicated above, along with numerous others.
- Does NOT meet training requirements for City of Chicago workers (see below for those options)
- Produces a certificate of completion immediately upon course completion (PDF print, email, and/or download).
- One-time fee, possible to start training immediately upon purchase.
- NO obligations, no subscriptions, no additional fees, no contracts.
Clicking the button above places one unit of the "train yourself" format non-CE course into the shopping cart and takes you directly to a checkout screen with the registration information integrated.
Invent a username and password, fill in your credit card details and accept the terms and conditions, then click Place Order to buy and train immediately.
We have a solution for that too, where each person gets their own login. Click on the white button for our product to train another person(s) quickly and easily. More on how this works.
Professionals within the City of Chicago
You will need to choose whether you are a Supervisor or NON-Supervisor under the statute
as they have different requirements.
Here is the definition: Chicago Supervisor definition
Chicago Professionals without a CE requirement
who are SUPERVISORS- Meets the Illinois state minimum annual training requirement for non-bar/restaurant employees
- Appropriate and Approved for the all IDFPR-licensed professions without a Continuing Education requirement, in the renewal year and in interim years equally.
- Meets the City of Chicago requirements for Supervisors
- Course bundle includes 2 hours of Illinois State and Chicago City compliant sexual harassment prevention training and 1 hour of Bystander Intervention Training
- Produces certificates immediately upon completion of courses (PDF print, email, and/or download).
- One-time fee, possible to start training immediately upon purchase.
- NO obligations, no subscriptions, no additional fees, no contracts.
Chicago Professionals without a CE Requirement
who are NOT Supervisors- Meets the Illinois state minimum annual training requirement for non-bar/restaurant employees
- Appropriate and Approved for the all IDFPR-licensed professions without a Continuing Education requirement, in the renewal year and in interim years equally.
- Meets the City of Chicago requirements for NON-Supervisors
- Course bundle includes 2 hours of Illinois State and Chicago City compliant sexual harassment prevention training and 1 hour of Bystander Intervention Training
- Produces certificates immediately upon completion of courses (PDF print, email, and/or download).
- One-time fee, possible to start training immediately upon purchase.
- NO obligations, no subscriptions, no additional fees, no contracts.
Our "4ANOTHER" solution works for that too. Click on this white button for our products to train another person(s) quickly and easily. More on how this works.
Please note: the Illinois sexual harassment prevention course requirement is separate and different from any domestic violence and sexual assault awareness education requirement. We know this wording is easily confused! Illinois Required Training Solutions does not currently offer a domestic violence awareness course. We recommend you contact your local shelter who may know of an awareness course in your area.
Illinois Sexual Harassment Training for Cosmetologists- easy, cost-competitive online course from Illinois Required Training Solutions
Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training - Cosmetologists Barbers Hairdressers and Hair Braiders - Illinois Recognized
Illinois Required Sexual Harassment Training - Cosmetologists Barbers Hairdressers and Hair Braiders
1-Hour+ Sexual Harassment Training - IL Cosmetologists Barbers Hairdressers and Hair Braiders
Please note: if your profession does not require CE you are not required to complete sexual harassment prevention training to renew a license. This includes the following professions:
- Interior Design
- Geology
- Barber
- Humane Euthanasia Technician
- Professions under the Detective Act (PERC, Private Detective, Alarm Contractor, Private Security, Fingerprint Vendors, Locksmith, Canine Handler)
- Perfusionist
- Registered Adult Use Agent
- Surgical Technologist and Surgical Assistant
- Associate Marriage and Family Therapists
However, you may still be subject to the annual training requirement in Illinois (and the Chicago additional requirements, if applicable).
For further clarification, please contact the IDFPR.
What Can I Expect From This Course?
You'll do a lot of reading at your own pace, and a lot of clicking or tapping.
We're required to make our courses interactive and individualized, so we present material in small chunks, but as fast as you want to see it. Don't worry, you don't have to complete the course all in one sitting. If you need a break or to take care of something, feel free to step away. While the system will time you out if you don't click or tap on anything for about ten minutes, every click or tap is saving your place and your progress.
You'll see a lot of cute pictures of animals.
We don't serve up a lot of cringeworthy pictures of people doing creepy things to others. We're willing to bet you already know what creepy is, so we spare you the visuals.
We won't show you icky videos.
For the same reason we don't show you ugly and possibly triggering pictures, we don't use videos in this course or in any of our SHPT courses. Because the book is always better than the movie, we prefer to teach by positive example rather than making trainees squirm in discomfort. We know you'll appreciate this.
The first few lessons teach you how to take the course.
We use the first few lessons to explain how to use the course controls, and there's a sample quiz to teach you how to take a quiz. If you've taken one of our courses previously, this will all be familiar and you can skip through the intro part. You'll be into the meat of the content quickly.
There are quizzes and a final exam.
But don't worry, all our quizzes, including the final exam, are retest-until-pass. We don't count how many times anyone retakes any quiz. And we always explain the quiz answers, including why the right answer is right and the other answer choices are wrong. So it's easy to get 100% on our courses.
There's an online help resource.
In case you should need it. Feel free to leave the link open in another window or bookmark it if you'd like.