know sexual harassment prevention training – How does state of Illinois know that sexual harassment prevention training has been completed?
Illinois required sexual harassment prevention training reporting – how the State knows
Reporting completion of sexual harassment prevention training happens differently for different types of Illinois workers. Understanding the differences will help clarify how the State of Illinois learns and knows that sexual harassment prevention training has been completed.
Sexual harassment prevention training reporting for Illinois Licensed Professionals
Professionals who are licensed by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), and who have a continuing education requirement, must complete sexual harassment prevention training from an actively-licensed CE sponsor as one of their CE hours.
In this way, the State of Illinois knows that licensed professionals have completed the required training in their license renewal years.
While the IDFPR learns that the required training has been completed at license renewal, the method of reporting is different depending on the profession.
Real Estate Professionals complete their training with a CE sponsor holding an active license with the IDFPR’s Division of Real Estate (DRE). The IDFPR DRE allows CE sponsors to report directly to IDFPR, usually no later than the 15th of the following month. (While Illinois Required Training Solutions held a DRE CE sponsor license, we uploaded weekly, in case licensees were on deadline). Real Estate professionals are encouraged to keep a copy of their certificates of completion for their records, but there is no need to send a copy to the state.
Other professionals licensed by the IDFPR’s Division of Professional Regulation (DPR) do not enjoy the benefits of direct reporting from their actively-licensed DPR CE sponsors. Illinois Required Training Solutions encourages professionals to inquire about the possibility of direct reporting when speaking with IDFPR staff. As a formerly dual-licensed CE sponsor, Illinois Required Training Solutions knows that extending this service to all professions would add benefit and convenience to Illinois licensees, and save extra steps from an agency funded by license fees and/or taxpayer dollars.
DPR-licensed professionals should follow the instructions provided by the IDFPR at license renewal.
In the case of renewals completed online, professionals may be asked if they have completed the required sexual harassment prevention training course. Answering “yes”, the licensee may be advised to retain a copy of the certificate of completion in case of an audit.
Other DPR licensees, including those completing renewals via paper packet, may be advised to send in a copy of the certificate of completion as part of a complete renewal packet.
All IDFPR-licensed professionals are reminded to please follow the instructions of the IDFPR to complete your license renewal, as processes can and do change.
Sexual harassment prevention training reporting for all other Illinois workers
What about non-licensed professionals, or non-professional workers? How does the state know that they have completed the required sexual harassment prevention training?
Bar and restaurant workers, hotel and casino staff and all other non-licensed professionals and non-professional workers are trained by their employers. This includes part-time, short-term employees, and interns. Sole proprietors, company owners and the self-employed must train themselves. It is up to the employer to collect and retain correct documentation sufficient to prove the statute’s requirements were met. For example, if employees were trained using a live webinar, the attendance, topics presented, and a log of questions asked and how these were answered are among the documents employers will want to retain for presentation in the case of an audit or complaint.
When training is provided by Illinois Required Training Solutions, the documentation part is easy, because our courses are designed explicitly to meet the Illinois statute, with detailed curricula that are published and available online. Likewise, our certificates can be validated using our online certificate validator. Employers training workers using the “For Your Staff” courses from Illinois Required Training Solutions can simply take a screenshot from the HR Manager tab of their My Dashboard control panel and download copies of the employees’ certificates of completion from the same place.
Of note for employers in this category is the fact that employees can report their employers for not providing the training, and can do so anonymously. More on penalties for providing training late (or not at all) can be found here. This adds weight to a preference for providing training earlier in the calendar year rather than later, as a complaint prevented is a headache avoided.
For employees, we recommend that you keep a copy of your certificate of training completion at home for your records. This makes it less hassle if you decide to add a second job, change jobs, or volunteer with a not-for-profit organization or assist with an event. There’s no benefit to you repeating the training more often than necessary, and this avoids the need to ask your employer for paperwork.
We can help with the training.
Illinois Required Training Solutions offers a fast, simple online training solution to Illinois' sexual harassment prevention training mandate. features fully compliant online courses that are self-paced, bookmarked, and can be taken from a host of mobile devices anywhere the internet is available. Course students can stop/start as many times as necessary without losing their place or progress, and retest until they pass. Upon finishing the course, students can immediately download and print/email a certificate of completion.
Employers find Illinois Required Training Solutions' online shopping cart system easy to use and course licensing easy to administer post-purchase. Upon adding the desired number of professional continuing education or non-CE, bar/restaurant or non-bar/restaurant, "4U/ to train yourself" or "for another/to train your staff" courses in English or Spanish to the cart, the purchase is completed using a credit card, PayPal, Venmo or Pay Later.
Immediately the purchaser is emailed a dedicated set of unique links for the "for another" courses that can be copied and forwarded individually to each trainee via email or text message. Each trainee must then register using a unique (not shared) email address.
Thereafter, the purchaser can log in to the site's dashboard to generate a real-time report showing which link has been used by which employee, and whether or not the worker has begun or finished the training. Here the purchaser can easily download each completed student's certificate.
Our generated certificates can be validated via our certificate number lookup tool to ensure that they are genuine.
At Illinois Required Training Solutions, we know the importance of getting your folks compliant with minimal disruption to the business. We offer full purchaser and student customer support by telephone, email, and platform private messaging seven days a week with response times averaging less than four hours. Choose Illinois Required Training Solutions to get compliant with Illinois' sexual harassment prevention training requirements today.
Informes: Cómo Sabe el Estado de Illinois que Se Ha Completado la Capacitación Obligatoria para la Prevención del Acoso Sexual
Informar la finalización de la capacitación sobre prevención del acoso sexual ocurre de manera diferente para los diferentes tipos de trabajadores de Illinois. Comprender las diferencias ayudará a aclarar cómo el estado de Illinois aprende y sabe que se ha completado la capacitación para la prevención del acoso sexual.
Informes de capacitación sobre prevención del acoso sexual para profesionales con licencia de Illinois
Los profesionales que están autorizados por el Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (Departamento de Regulación Financiera y Profesional de Illinois, IDFPR por sus siglos en inglés), y que tienen un requisito de educación continua, deben completar la capacitación en prevención del acoso sexual de un patrocinador de educación continua con licencia activa como una de sus horas de CE.
Así es como el estado de Illinois sabe que los profesionales con licencia han completado la capacitación requerida en sus años de renovación de licencias.
Si bien el IDFPR se entera de que se completó la capacitación requerida en la renovación de la licencia, el método de presentación de informes es diferente según la profesión.
Los agentes inmobiliarios completan su capacitación con un patrocinador de CE que posee una licencia activa con la Division of Real Estate (División de Bienes Raíces o DRE) de IDFPR. El IDFPR DRE permite a los patrocinadores de CE informar directamente a IDFPR, generalmente a más tardar el día 15 del mes siguiente (aunque Illinois Required Training Solutions se carga con más frecuencia, en caso de que los titulares de licencias estén en fecha límite). Se anima a los agentes inmobiliarios a guardar una copia de sus certificados de finalización para sus registros, pero no es necesario enviar una copia al estado.
Otros profesionales autorizados por la Division of Professional Regulation (División de Regulación Profesional, o DPR) de IDFPR no disfrutan de los beneficios de la presentación de informes directos de sus patrocinadores DPR CE con licencia activa. Illinois Required Training Solutions alienta a los profesionales a preguntar sobre la posibilidad de informar directamente al hablar por telefono con el personal de IDFPR. Como patrocinador de CE con doble licencia, Illinois Required Training Solutions sabe que extender este servicio a todas las profesiones agregaría beneficios y conveniencia a los licenciatarios de Illinois, y ahorraría pasos adicionales de una agencia financiada por tarifas de licencia y / o dólares de los contribuyentes.
Los profesionales con licencia del DPR deben seguir las instrucciones proporcionadas por el IDFPR al renovar la licencia.
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