Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals
Overview of Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals
What is the Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals?
Sexual harassment prevention training (SHPT) for professionals licensed by the State of Illinois’ IDFPR in a profession with a Continuing Education (CE) requirement must be taken with a licensed Continuing Education sponsor in the year the license renews (or is reinstated).
Why Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals Is Essential for Professional License Renewal
Sexual harassment prevention training (SHPT) is mandatory for professionals licensed by the State of Illinois’ IDFPR in a profession with a Continuing Education (CE) requirement. If the requirement is not completed, license renewal (or reinstatement) could be denied or delayed. Further sanctions are possible depending on the profession and the applicable licensing law in effect.
Benefits of Completing Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals
Sexual harassment prevention training (SHPT) is required for professionals licensed by the State of Illinois’ IDFPR in a profession with a Continuing Education (CE) requirement, for renewal or reinstatement of a professional license. Timely completion of required SHPT supports a smooth license renewal process, without interruption to the licensee’s ability to practice their profession (work, and earn).
Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals
Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals
Sexual harassment prevention training (SHPT) is mandatory for professionals licensed by the State of Illinois' IDFPR in a profession with a Continuing Education (CE) requirement. If the requirement is not completed, license renewal (or reinstatement) could be denied or delayed. Further sanctions are possible depending on the profession and the applicable licensing law in effect.
Are you a Broker, Managing Broker, Leasing Agent, Appraiser, Home Inspector or Auctioneer licensed by the State of Illinois IDFPR?
Is your license up for renewal or are you restoring an expired license?
Maybe you just got an email from the state regarding required sexual harassment prevention training?
You’re in the right place.
Not you? Please click here
Illinois and Chicago Required Sexual Harassment Training - Meeting State and City Mandates
Sexual harassment prevention training (SHPT) is required annually for all workers in Illinois. The City of Chicago adds additional requirements in the form of Bystander Intervention Training (BIT), for all workers, and extra SHPT for Supervisory workers.
Meeting the Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Requirement Through SHPT From an Accredited CE Provider
Sexual harassment prevention training (SHPT) for professionals licensed by the State of Illinois’ IDFPR in a profession with a Continuing Education (CE) requirement must be taken with a licensed Continuing Education sponsor in the year the license renews (or is reinstated). The CE sponsor license must be active. Cogent Investments Inc. dba Illinois Required Training Solutions is an actively licensed CE sponsor (see below).
Compliance for IDFPR-Licensed Real Estate Professionals in Illinois
Sexual harassment prevention training (SHPT) is mandatory for professionals licensed by the State of Illinois’ IDFPR in a profession with a Continuing Education (CE) requirement. If the requirement is not completed, license renewal (or reinstatement) could be denied or delayed. Further sanctions are possible depending on the profession and the applicable licensing law in effect.
Renew Your License with Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals
Sexual harassment prevention training (SHPT) is required for professionals licensed by the State of Illinois’ IDFPR in a profession with a Continuing Education (CE) requirement, for renewal or reinstatement of a professional license. Timely completion of required SHPT supports a smooth license renewal process, without interruption to the licensee’s ability to practice their profession (work, and earn).
Real Estate Brokers, Managing Brokers, Leasing Agents, Appraisers, Home Inspectors and Auctioneers Licensed by the Illinois IDFPR Division of Real Estate (DRE) and Due for License Renewal:
You need sexual harassment prevention training, along with your other continuing education hours, in order to renew your professional license.
We can help.
Illinois Required Training Solutions, a specialist online provider of sexual harassment prevention training, is approved by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) to offer CE courses and course bundles that meet all the requirements for the sexual harassment prevention training portion of professional license renewal qualifications.
We offer Illinois State as well as Chicago City- compliant training packages, and in non-license-renewal years we can offer these without the unnecessary Continuing Education credential and at a significant discount to save you money.
Cogent Investments Inc. dba Illinois Required Training Solutions is licensed to provide IDFPR required CE sexual harassment prevention training to Illinois professionals in fulfillment of the one hour sexual harassment CE IDFPR license renewal requirement.
Our active CE sponsor license and number are above, and will appear prominently on your certificate of completion upon successful completion of any of the course(s) below.
Feel free to validate our license with the IDFPR using the
Real Estate Brokers, Managing Brokers, Leasing Agents, Appraisers, Home Inspectors, and Auctioneers
Real Estate Professionals
Real Estate professionals may take any of our DPR CE courses/course bundles in full completion of their sexual harassment prevention training requirement.
But while the course MUST be taken from an accredited CE provider in order to meet the license renewal SHPT requirement, Real Estate professionals will NOT receive one hour of CE credit as recognized by the IDFPR.
This is in common with all other IDFPR-DPR-accredited Continuing Education Sponsors. For more information, please see this page.
How To Enroll in the Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals
Steps for Purchase Through Enrollment in Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals
- Purchase a sexual harassment prevention training CE course or CE Chicago course bundle from Illinois Required Training Solutions, or have one purchased for you by your employer.
- If you purchased to train yourself, your registration userID and password were created at checkout. Proceed to the training site via the link emailed to you or presented on your checkout completed screen. Click or tap Launch Course from the My Courses tab to start or return to a training course.
- If the training was purchased for you, click or tap on the unique hyperlink you were provided by your employer. You may need to click twice in a row on the link to access the registration screen. Register, then click or tap Launch Course from the My Courses tab to start or return to a training course.
Choosing the Right Chicago Course Bundle for Your Role: Supervisors vs. Non-Supervisors
Here is the definition: Chicago Supervisor definition
Affordable Pricing for Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals
Which course do I need, and how much does this one CE hour of sexual harassment prevention training cost?
Professionals outside the City of Chicago
Licensed Professionals Illinois non-Chicago
IL DPR licensed professionals who need CE credit- Meets the Illinois one hour CE sexual harassment prevention training requirement for IDFPR license renewal.
- Appropriate and Approved for the professions as indicated above, along with numerous others.
- Meets the Illinois state minimum annual training requirement for non-bar/restaurant employees
- Does NOT meet training requirements for City of Chicago workers (see below for those options)
- Produces two certificates immediately upon course completion (PDF print, email, and/or download).
- One-time fee, possible to start training immediately upon purchase.
- NO obligations, no subscriptions, no additional fees, no contracts.
Our 2025 course is now on sale
Clicking the button above places one unit of the "train yourself" format licensed-profession-appropriate course into the shopping cart and takes you directly to a checkout screen with the registration information integrated.
Invent a username and password, fill in your credit card details and accept the terms and conditions, then click Place Order to buy and train immediately.
We have a solution for that too, where each person gets their own login. Click on the white button for our products to train another person(s) quickly and easily. More on how this works.
Professionals within the City of Chicago
You will need to choose whether you are a Supervisor or NON-Supervisor under the statute
as they have different requirements.
Here is the definition: Chicago Supervisor definition
Licensed Professionals who are Chicago SUPERVISORS
IL DPR licensed professionals who need CE credit- Meets the Illinois one hour CE sexual harassment prevention training requirement for IDFPR license renewal.
- Appropriate and Approved for the professions as indicated above, along with numerous others.
- Meets the Illinois state minimum annual training requirement for non-bar/restaurant employees
- Meets the City of Chicago requirements for Supervisors
- Course bundle includes 2 hours of triple-compliant sexual harassment prevention training and 1 hour of Bystander Intervention Training
- Produces three certificates immediately upon completion of courses (PDF print, email, and/or download).
- One-time fee, possible to start training immediately upon purchase.
- NO obligations, no subscriptions, no additional fees, no contracts.
Licensed Professionals in Chicago who are NON-supervisors
IL DPR licensed professionals who need CE credit- Meets the Illinois one hour CE sexual harassment prevention training requirement for IDFPR license renewal.
- Appropriate and Approved for the professions as indicated above, along with numerous others.
- Meets the Illinois state minimum annual training requirement for non-bar/restaurant employees
- Meets the City of Chicago requirements for NON-supervisors
- Course bundle includes 1 hour of triple-compliant sexual harassment prevention training and 1 hour of Bystander Intervention Training
- Produces three certificates immediately upon completion of courses (PDF print, email, and/or download).
- One-time fee, possible to start training immediately upon purchase.
- NO obligations, no subscriptions, no additional fees, no contracts.
We have a solution for that too. Click on this white button for our products to train another person(s) quickly and easily. More on how this works.
Course Details: Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals
Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training - Real Estate Professionals - Illinois Required Course
Sexual harassment prevention training is offered online by Illinois Required Training Solutions.
Illinois Required Sexual Harassment Training - License Renewal Requirement for Real Estate Professionals
Sexual harassment prevention training from Illinois Required Training Solutions may be stopped and restarted without losing one’s place or progress. A timer counts the amount of time the trainee spends with the material. The course will time out if the trainee does not click or tap on anything within the course in approximately ten minutes.
Key Features of the 1-Hour+ Sexual Harassment Training - IL Real Estate Professionals Mandatory Requirement
Sexual harassment prevention training online from Illinois Required Training Solutions may be stopped and restarted any number of times. The courses are available from any mobile device with a web browser. PDF certificates of completion are generated immediately upon successful completion of the course.
Online Accessibility of Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals
Sexual harassment prevention training courses from Illinois Required Training Solutions are delivered 100% online and available from any mobile device with a web browser.
What Can I Expect From This Course?
You'll do a lot of reading at your own pace, and a lot of clicking or tapping.
We're required to make our courses interactive and individualized, so we present material in small chunks, but as fast as you want to see it. Don't worry, you don't have to complete the course all in one sitting. If you need a break or to take care of something, feel free to step away. While the system will time you out if you don't click or tap on anything for about ten minutes, every click or tap is saving your place and your progress.
You'll see a lot of cute pictures of animals.
We don't serve up a lot of cringeworthy pictures of people doing creepy things to others. We're willing to bet you already know what creepy is, so we spare you the visuals.
We won't show you icky videos.
For the same reason we don't show you ugly and possibly triggering pictures, we don't use videos in this course or in any of our SHPT courses. Because the book is always better than the movie, we prefer to teach by positive example rather than making trainees squirm in discomfort. We know you'll appreciate this.
The first few lessons teach you how to take the course.
We use the first few lessons to explain how to use the course controls, and there's a sample quiz to teach you how to take a quiz. If you've taken one of our courses previously, this will all be familiar and you can skip through the intro part. You'll be into the meat of the content quickly.
There are quizzes and a final exam.
But don't worry, all our quizzes, including the final exam, are retest-until-pass. We don't count how many times anyone retakes any quiz. And we always explain the quiz answers, including why the right answer is right and the other answer choices are wrong. So it's easy to get 100% on our courses.
There's an online help resource.
In case you should need it. Feel free to leave the link open in another window or bookmark it if you'd like.
FAQs About Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals
Who Needs Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals?
Sexual harassment prevention training (SHPT) is required annually for all workers in Illinois. The City of Chicago adds additional requirements in the form of Bystander Intervention Training (BIT), for all workers, and extra SHPT for Supervisory workers. Sexual harassment prevention training (SHPT) for professionals licensed by the State of Illinois’ IDFPR in a profession with a Continuing Education (CE) requirement must be taken with a licensed Continuing Education sponsor in the year the license renews (or is reinstated). The CE sponsor license must be active. Cogent Investments Inc. dba Illinois Required Training Solutions is an actively licensed CE sponsor (see below).
How Does The Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals Fulfill the SHPT Requirement of the IDFPR?
Sexual harassment prevention training (SHPT) with CE from Illinois Required Training Solutions is purposely designed to meet the requirements of the IDFPR, the requirements of the State of Illinois and, as regards our Chicago bundles, the requirements of the City of Chicago.
Benefits of Completing Illinois CE Sexual Harassment Training for Real Estate Professionals
Sexual harassment prevention training (SHPT) is required for professionals licensed by the State of Illinois’ IDFPR in a profession with a Continuing Education (CE) requirement, for renewal or reinstatement of a professional license. Timely completion of required SHPT supports a smooth license renewal process, without interruption to the licensee’s ability to practice their profession (work, and earn).